I’ve done a home recording of my new song The Healing Tree and put it up today.

The lyrics are a reflection of a childhood experience of a ghost, a recent profound healing session of hopi ear candles and the beautiful surroundings of a festival I went to last week in Dorset where there were peacocks, ancient trees and a wonderful atmosphere.

I sometimes feel songs come through us – as if we are channels – they don’t always make sense but feel complete. This is one of those kind of songs. I’ll record it “properly” in time but for now I’m happy with this. Hope you like it.

This is the first painting I ever did – it’s of a beautiful ash tree in the garden of my old house where a blackbird used to come and sing every morning. By some twisted coincidence that tree was felled today because it blocked the light to my neighbours’ garden. This song is its legacy. I loved that tree like a person.

The Healing Tree
